Friday, October 1, 2010

Unique Scoop: Facebook Funny Moments (62 pics)

Funny stuff!! And definitely NSFW

Unique Scoop: Facebook Funny Moments (62 pics)

I'm back!

Well after much introspection (and some retrospection) I'm back on the wagon, people!  Had a lot of changes in my life and while I feel that I'd hit rock bottom, I am seeing a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  Here are my priorities ATM:

1.  Job (J-O-B to quote Mr. Jones)
2.  Apartment (House if I'm lucky but yeah.. apartment)
3.  LIFE

Easy huh?  Well, I'm picking up the physical side of my well-being after getting my mental game into gear.  Started walking and I'll build up to running once more.  Enough is enough ( enough... ala Stewart) with the yo-yo of my life.  I'm going to live my life to its fullest.  No more of the burning out, dropping, depressed because I'm not doing XYZ, then burning out again (repeat if desired) I'm going to be methodical, scientific, and realistic in my approach.

Here goes everything...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Goals Part Deux

Alright so this week I'll be baselining to figure out what my goals need to be so here's the breakout:

Strength and Resistance (Goal will be x% increase in weight or reps - not sure which to focus on first)

  • Barbell Press
  • Military Press
  • Tricep Extension
  • Bicep Curls (totally love the EZ bar)
  • Forearm Cirls
  • Crunches (Reverse, Side, and Incline)
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Row (Seated and Standing)
  • Squats
  • Smith Press
  • Quad Extensions
  • Ham Curls
  • Calf Raises

Flexibility (I'll need to research this one first)
  • Thinking % increase in range of motion but not sure how to measure it

  • Run a 6 minute mile
  • Log 30 miles a week (I'll break out my plan later)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Goals (and lack thereof)

So I have some amazing motivation to re-evaluate my life and the goals I have.  I had very broad goals, and was very lapse in my day-to-day activities.  With that in mind, and the realization that I don't have to go it alone, here's what I'm shooting for:

Okay these are very broad right now and my homework over the next few days is to focus these down into actual targets and make sure they're healthy, doable, and I'm going to kick some major ass along the way!

-Strength and resistance training

I'm not giving up this time and it's time to drag out my "Kick Ass Mix" from iTunes and get ready to kick afore-mentioned ass!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My grandfather was the most creative man I have ever met. I think before MacGyver and the Duct Tape/WD-40 paradigm he was building nuclear subs out of fiberglass and chicken wire. My daughter amazes me how she can create her own little worlds out of ordinary things around her. While I agree that our education system has fallen behind when compared to other developed countries (I believe #18 at last report) the other, perhaps more important, factor is imagination.

I always had a vivid imagination and was never really TAUGHT to have an imagination. Not even sure if that's anything that CAN be taught. But in my experience innovation is 40% imagination, 30% education, and 30% perspiration. You have to be able to envision the new and unknown, you have to have the tools in your belt to transfer it to the tangible, and then the drive to actually make it happen.

I still believe in the greatness of America and in the imagination we all have just waiting to be unlocked.

Who holds the key?

New Title

Going forward, I will be focusing my blog on my life as I work towards running a 10-k in one year.  Or rather, in one year I will be running a 10-k.  I assume I could run a 10-k in 365 days today however I would like to have just a wee better time than that. 

I've been in running shape twice in my life and both times never did anything with it.

Slow and steady - that needs to be my mantra.  I become so addicted to the runner's high that I end up OVER training and my butt eneds up in bed, then I lose my motivation, start pigging out, and end up worse than before.  I don't care about winning, I care about setting this goal, working towards it, and actually crossing that line...

Day one begins...
